A*LIVE_Masters of Implosion is a project by A*DESK with the collaboration of Fito Conesa & Mery Cuesta and the complicity and support of Hangar.org centre/producció/recerca/arts.visuals.
This is the eighth edition of A*LIVE, the public program of A*DESK that consists of unfolded debate on contemporary subjects with a streaming television format. This second pandemic year, continuing with the format online opened last year, we have created an expanded and performative digital format with Fito Conesa and Mery Cuesta as masters of ceremony and catalysts for a series of artist audiovisual collaborations that revolve around the notion of implosion.
Thus, for this occasion, we have invited artists whose art gyrate around the idea of “implosion”, “implode” taken from different angles and perspectives. Participant artists —in order or implosion— are: Hito Steyerl with her piece How not to be seen (2013); Nuria Güell with La banalidad del bien (2021); Andreas M. Kaufmann with Much too much (2004); Tabita Rezaire with Premium Connect (2017); Eli Cortiñas with Walls have feelings (2019); Eloy Fernández Porta with Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa (2021); Robert Lippok with his sound piece From universe to universe (2021) produced for the occasion accompanied by Siddaharth Gautam Singh visuals.