I am an object of your fantasy


Ro Caminal

This intervention is part of the program Geysers at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya curated by Montse Badia

Ro Caminal, an artist who explores the world of representation and works in the space of intersection between the visual arts and anthropology, begins her research in room 48 “Orientalisms” of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, where she focuses on a work in concrete: In the presence of the Lord (1891) by Francesc Masriera. The work allows her to start a process of questioning representation and the look as colonial devices. Starting from the reference of the thinker Edward Said, who understood Orientalism as a form of binary thinking that produces a knowledge that opposes the West/East, Ro Caminal presents an alternative poster, which complements and revises the original, while putting the emphasis on some aspects that allow the work to be reinterpreted based on critical keys

Location: Room 48 “Orientalisms”

Oriental fantasies of yesterday and today. Reviewing history should also include reviewing its visual legacy